Data Tools: Confidentiality
Although the AFCARS and NCANDS data do contain case level data, there is no identifying information included in these data sets. No names, addresses, phone numbers, or social security numbers are included in the data. The child ID variable on these data sets is encrypted before the data are sent to FCI, and the website only uses aggregate data so no child or specific case can be identified. Staff who work with Fostering Court Improvement do not have the codes to de-identify the data.
The data on the website are aggregated by county, child welfare district, and judicial district or circuit within the state. The website is open to the public unless the state child welfare agency decides to password protect the site. If password protected, the state child welfare agency is responsible for providing users with the applicable password.
Prior to obtaining the data, a data sharing agreement must be signed by the state child welfare agency and the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina. The data sharing agreement clearly lays out rules and regulations related to the use of the data.