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Children in Foster Care
During October 2014 through September 2015
| Children in Region on September 30 2015 | Children in Care on September 30 2014 | Children in Care on September 30 2015 | Average Daily Children in Care | Total Out of Home Placement-Days on September 30 2015 | Total Children Served in Foster Care During October 2014 through September 2015 | Total Days Children Spent in Foster Care During October 2014 through September 2015 | Total Days Children Spent Out of Home During October 2014 through September 2015 |
DCFSRegion | Count | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | per 10K | Rank |
Central | 516007 | 4445 | 86 | 3 | 4338 | 84 | 3 | 4404 | 85.3 | 3 | 3692699 | 71563 | 3 | 5891 | 1609627 | 31171 | 3 | 1557569 | 30163 | 3 |
Cook | 1248341 | 6532 | 52 | 4 | 6495 | 52 | 4 | 6519 | 52.2 | 4 | 8874567 | 71091 | 4 | 8026 | 2380812 | 19092 | 4 | 2363612 | 18954 | 4 |
Northern | 1104935 | 3542 | 32 | 5 | 3378 | 31 | 5 | 3438 | 31.1 | 5 | 3320625 | 30053 | 5 | 4571 | 1257422 | 11388 | 5 | 1235480 | 11190 | 5 |
Southern | 275983 | 2454 | 89 | 2 | 2370 | 86 | 2 | 2392 | 86.6 | 2 | 2030637 | 73578 | 2 | 3367 | 874354 | 31633 | 2 | 844763 | 30563 | 2 |
Unknown | na | 3 | na | na | 0 | na | na | 0 | na | na | 0 | na | na | 3 | 208 | na | na | 208 | na | na |
Statewide | 3145266 | 16976 | 54 | na | 16581 | 53 | na | 16754 | 53.3 | na | 17918528 | 56970 | na | 21858 | 6122423 | 19474 | na | 6001632 | 19089 | na |
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Children in Foster Care
During October 2014 through September 2015
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Children in Foster Care
During October 2014 through September 2015
| Children in Care on September 30 2015 | Children in Non-Relative Foster Care on Last Day | Children in Relative Foster Care on Last Day | Children in Pre-Adoptive Home on Last Day | Children in Group Home on Last Day | Children in Institution on Last Day | Children in Home Visit on Last Day | Children in Runaway on Last Day | Children in ILP on Last Day |
DCFSRegion | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank |
Central | 4338 | 84 | 3 | 1,544/4,338 | 36% | 3.0 | 1,683/4,338 | 39% | 2.5 | 254/4,338 | 6% | 2.5 | 60/4,338 | 1% | 2.0 | 325/4,338 | 7% | 4.0 | 292/4,338 | 7% | 1 | 42/4,338 | 1% | 4.0 | 138/4,338 | 3% | 3 |
Cook | 6495 | 52 | 4 | 2,492/6,495 | 38% | 1.5 | 2,258/6,495 | 35% | 4.0 | 125/6,495 | 2% | 4.0 | 81/6,495 | 1% | 2.0 | 590/6,495 | 9% | 1.5 | 145/6,495 | 2% | 4 | 214/6,495 | 3% | 1.0 | 590/6,495 | 9% | 1 |
Northern | 3378 | 31 | 5 | 1,269/3,378 | 38% | 1.5 | 1,307/3,378 | 39% | 2.5 | 186/3,378 | 6% | 2.5 | 49/3,378 | 1% | 2.0 | 276/3,378 | 8% | 3.0 | 139/3,378 | 4% | 3 | 75/3,378 | 2% | 2.5 | 77/3,378 | 2% | 4 |
Southern | 2370 | 86 | 2 | 706/2,370 | 30% | 4.0 | 972/2,370 | 41% | 1.0 | 184/2,370 | 8% | 1.0 | 8/2,370 | 0% | 4.5 | 210/2,370 | 9% | 1.5 | 152/2,370 | 6% | 2 | 44/2,370 | 2% | 2.5 | 94/2,370 | 4% | 2 |
Unknown | 0 | na | na | 0/0 | 0% | 5.0 | 0/0 | 0% | 5.0 | 0/0 | 0% | 5.0 | 0/0 | 0% | 4.5 | 0/0 | 0% | 5.0 | 0/0 | 0% | 5 | 0/0 | 0% | 5.0 | 0/0 | 0% | 5 |
Statewide | 16581 | 53 | na | 6,011/16,581 | 36% | na | 6,220/16,581 | 38% | na | 749/16,581 | 5% | na | 198/16,581 | 1% | na | 1,401/16,581 | 8% | na | 728/16,581 | 4% | na | 375/16,581 | 2% | na | 899/16,581 | 5% | na |
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Children in Foster Care
During October 2014 through September 2015
| Children Investigated for Maltreatment in Care during September 2013 through August 2014 | Children Victimized in Care during September 2013 through August 2014 | Children Victimized in Care during September 2013 through August 2014 by Parent | Children Victimized in Care during September 2013 through August 2014 by Foster Parent or Facility Staff |
DCFSRegion | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank |
Central | 371/5,859 | 6.33% | 2 | 134/5,859 | 2.29% | 2 | 66/5,859 | 1.13% | 1 | 24/5,859 | 0.41% | 2 |
Cook | 380/7,785 | 4.88% | 4 | 103/7,785 | 1.32% | 4 | 48/7,785 | 0.62% | 4 | 20/7,785 | 0.26% | 4 |
Northern | 309/4,642 | 6.66% | 1 | 110/4,642 | 2.37% | 1 | 46/4,642 | 0.99% | 2 | 33/4,642 | 0.71% | 1 |
Southern | 188/3,258 | 5.77% | 3 | 67/3,258 | 2.06% | 3 | 29/3,258 | 0.89% | 3 | 13/3,258 | 0.40% | 3 |
Unknown | 0/187 | 0.00% | 5 | 0/187 | 0.00% | 5 | 0/187 | 0.00% | 5 | 0/187 | 0.00% | 5 |
Statewide | 1,248/21,731 | 5.74% | na | 414/21,731 | 1.91% | na | 189/21,731 | 0.87% | na | 90/21,731 | 0.41% | na |
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Children in Foster Care
During October 2014 through September 2015
| Children in Care on September 30 2015 | Children Over 12 in Group Settings on September 30 2015 | Placement Moves During First 12 Months In Care per 1,000 Child-Days | Placements Moves Toward Permanency | Lateral Placements Moves | Placements Moves Away from Permanency |
DCFSRegion | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Per 1K Days | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank |
Central | 4338 | 84 | 3 | 327/385 | 85% | 2.0 | 746/247,780 | 3.0 | 5 | 1,296/2,989 | 43% | 3 | 1,215/2,989 | 41% | 4 | 478/2,989 | 16% | 4.5 |
Cook | 6495 | 52 | 4 | 558/671 | 83% | 5.0 | 1,267/244,504 | 5.2 | 2 | 1,309/4,043 | 32% | 5 | 1,849/4,043 | 46% | 2 | 885/4,043 | 22% | 2.0 |
Northern | 3378 | 31 | 5 | 272/325 | 84% | 3.5 | 763/172,371 | 4.4 | 3 | 992/2,232 | 44% | 2 | 866/2,232 | 39% | 5 | 374/2,232 | 17% | 3.0 |
Southern | 2370 | 86 | 2 | 183/218 | 84% | 3.5 | 621/143,280 | 4.3 | 4 | 623/1,622 | 38% | 4 | 737/1,622 | 45% | 3 | 262/1,622 | 16% | 4.5 |
Unknown | 0 | na | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/NA | na | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/0 | na% | na |
Statewide | 16581 | 53 | na | 1,340/1,599 | 84% | na | 3,397/807,935 | 4.2 | na | 4,220/10,886 | 39% | na | 4,667/10,886 | 43% | na | 1,999/10,886 | 18% | na |
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Children in Foster Care
During October 2014 through September 2015
| Children in Care on September 30 2015 | IV-E Reimbursement Rate, Children In Care on September 30 2015 | Long Term Foster Care Plan Goal, Children In Care on September 30 2015 |
DCFSRegion | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank |
Central | 4338 | 84 | 3 | 3,704/4,338 | 85% | 4 | 72/4,338 | 2% | 3 |
Cook | 6495 | 52 | 4 | 5,753/6,495 | 89% | 2 | 147/6,495 | 2% | 3 |
Northern | 3378 | 31 | 5 | 2,961/3,378 | 88% | 3 | 51/3,378 | 2% | 3 |
Southern | 2370 | 86 | 2 | 1,982/2,370 | 84% | 5 | 25/2,370 | 1% | 5 |
Unknown | 0 | na | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/0 | na% | na |
Statewide | 16581 | 53 | na | 14,400/16,581 | 87% | na | 295/16,581 | 2% | na |
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Children in Foster Care
During October 2014 through September 2015
| Children in Care on September 30 2015 | Median Length of Stay, Children In Care on September 30 2014 | Median Length of Stay, Children In Care on September 30 2015 | Permanency within 12 Months, Children In Care on September 30 2014 | Permanency within 12 Months, Children with Both TPRs In Care on September 30 2014 |
DCFSRegion | Count | per 10K | Rank | Count | months | Rank | Count | months | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank |
Central | 4338 | 84 | 3 | 4445 | 19.7 | 4 | 4338 | 20.1 | 4.5 | 1,186/4,445 | 27% | 2 | 320/993 | 32% | 3 |
Cook | 6495 | 52 | 4 | 6532 | 32.5 | 1 | 6495 | 32.2 | 2 | 800/6,532 | 12% | 4 | 229/938 | 24% | 5 |
Northern | 3378 | 31 | 5 | 3542 | 21.9 | 3 | 3378 | 24.4 | 3 | 845/3,542 | 24% | 3 | 144/523 | 28% | 4 |
Southern | 2370 | 86 | 2 | 2454 | 22.4 | 2 | 2370 | 20.1 | 4.5 | 700/2,454 | 29% | 1 | 117/356 | 33% | 2 |
Unknown | 0 | na | na | 3 | 5.1 | 5 | 0 | na | na | 0/3 | 0% | 5 | 0/0 | na% | na |
Statewide | 16581 | 53 | na | 16976 | 25 | na | 16581 | 25 | na | 3,531/16,976 | 21% | na | 810/2,810 | 29% | na |
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Children in Foster Care
During October 2014 through September 2015
| In Care Over 18 Months on September 30 2015 | In Care Over 24 Months on September 30 2015 | In Non-Relative Care Over 24 Months on September 30 2015 | In Non-Relative Care Over 24 Months with Both TPRs on September 30 2015 | In Care Over 18 Months on September 30 2014 Permanent within 12 Months | In Care Over 24 Months on September 30 2014 Permanent within 12 Months | Entering 18th Month In Care during October 2013 through September 2014 Permanent within 12 Months |
DCFSRegion | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank | Count | Percent | Rank |
Central | 2,384/4,338 | 55% | 4 | 1,862/4,338 | 43% | 5 | 1,427/4,338 | 33% | 4.5 | 408/1,427 | 29% | 2 | 754/2,362 | 32% | 2.5 | 603/1,939 | 31% | 2.5 | 234/874 | 27% | 3 |
Cook | 4,468/6,495 | 69% | 2 | 3,926/6,495 | 60% | 2 | 2,923/6,495 | 45% | 2.0 | 487/2,923 | 17% | 5 | 625/4,588 | 14% | 5.0 | 552/4,010 | 14% | 5.0 | 119/1,135 | 10% | 5 |
Northern | 2,059/3,378 | 61% | 3 | 1,716/3,378 | 51% | 3 | 1,233/3,378 | 37% | 3.0 | 255/1,233 | 21% | 4 | 527/2,027 | 26% | 4.0 | 425/1,647 | 26% | 4.0 | 160/739 | 22% | 4 |
Southern | 1,288/2,370 | 54% | 5 | 1,040/2,370 | 44% | 4 | 772/2,370 | 33% | 4.5 | 167/772 | 22% | 3 | 445/1,410 | 32% | 2.5 | 363/1,177 | 31% | 2.5 | 136/494 | 28% | 2 |
Unknown | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 0/0 | na% | na | 2/3 | 67% | 1 |
Statewide | 10,199/16,581 | 62% | na | 8,544/16,581 | 52% | na | 6,355/16,581 | 38% | na | 1,317/6,355 | 21% | na | 2,351/10,387 | 23% | na | 1,943/8,773 | 22% | na | 651/3,245 | 20% | na |
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